Shooting engagement sessions is always a blast.  However, this one was particularly wonderful for me.  You see October proved to be the busiest month of the year and while on one hand I felt like I had no time to go to Baraboo, WI and Devil's Lake to shoot this session, getting out in the fresh air and hanging out with these two was more refreshing than I would have ever imagined. We hiked up the mountain to find the place where Phil proposed to Shey.  All of us consider ourselves active and athletic and at first wouldn't admit to wanting to stop and take breaks until I broke the ice and asked to take a moment, pretending that my gear was weighing me down.  We took shots on the cliffs, along the paths, on top of boulders, fallen trees, the railroad tracks and more.  Here are the photos from the session that became a wonderful break within a busy time for me.

Baraboo Engagement Session
Baraboo Engagement Session
Engagement Devil's Lake Fall colors
Engagement Devil's Lake Fall colors
Matt Mason, Shey & Phil
Matt Mason, Shey & Phil
Romantic engagement portraits in Baraboo Wisconsin
Romantic engagement portraits in Baraboo Wisconsin
Devil's Lake Engagement Session
Devil's Lake Engagement Session