Jason proposes to Victoria at Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva — Matt Mason Photography

For weeks Jason schemed and planned his proposal to Victoria. I was honored to be asked to shoot these special moments. Some of the photos in this gallery were me pretending to be a nature photographer. I had a tripod set up shooting video to look "official." Jason and I met up the day before to scout out and make some final decisions about where the proposal was going to take place.  We decided on this snowy creek location which is on hole number one of the Brute at Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva, WI.

I brought a small plastic shovel to clear out some snow so I wouldn't get as cold standing in the snow while I waited.  Then I tried my hardest not to look like I was in place to capture their very special moment.  Every time Victoria would look my way I would get down and shoot another direction and I think I pulled it off.

Then Jason was using his ruse which was that he wanted a photo of the two of them by a bridge on the snowy creek.  He had the timer going on his camera and everything.

When he started going down on one knee I was trying to get closer and closer without missing a key moment.  I was able to get within 25 feet before Jason pointed me out and waved.  I tried to keep my distance to give them some privacy.  It was very romantic and wonderful.  What a great couple!

Thanks Jason for including me!

Below is a sample from the proposal.  If you want to view all the photos in high resolution follow this link.

Proposal Photo
Proposal Photo
Kiss by a snowy stream
Kiss by a snowy stream
On one knee
On one knee
Grand Geneva - Snow Covered Brute
Grand Geneva - Snow Covered Brute
Tippy Toes Kiss
Tippy Toes Kiss
